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8 Portraits of Sisca Soewitomo who Stay Active in the Culinary World Despite Being 73 Years Old

8 Portraits of Sisca Soewitomo who Stay Active in the Culinary World Despite Being 73 Years Old


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8 Portraits of Sisca Soewitomo who Stay Active in the Culinary World Despite Being 73 Years Old

Sisca Soewitomo is no stranger to the Indonesian people. She is known as a legendary culinary expert. Sisca Soewitomo even had a cooking program that was always eagerly awaited by viewers. Now Sisca Soewitomo is 73 years old, but she is still active in the culinary world, an extraordinary dedication indeed. Check out the following portraits of Sisca Soewitomo.

8 Portraits of Sisca Soewitomo who Stay Active in the Culinary World Despite Being 73 Years Old

Sisca has been involved in the culinary world since she was young. She even had a cooking program on one of the national TV stations.


After decades in the culinary field, Sisca never feels bored. She admits that she really enjoys it. Now, Sisca is 73 years old.

8 Portraits of Sisca Soewitomo who Stay Active in the Culinary World Despite Being 73 Years Old

Engaged in the cooking world since 1979. At that time, she became more well-known as the presenter of the cooking show Aroma. Sisca even earned the nickname 'Queen of Indonesian Cuisine'.


Despite being 73 years old, Sisca still has a youthful and beautiful face. She also consistently maintains a short hairstyle.


Although she is rarely seen on television, it doesn't mean that Sisca Soewitomo has stopped her culinary career. She is still active in off-air events. No wonder she is referred to as a legendary culinary expert.


Sisca Soewitomo still frequently shares culinary content on her personal Instagram. She also has a YouTube account to share cooking tips for various dishes.

8 Portraits of Sisca Soewitomo who Stay Active in the Culinary World Despite Being 73 Years Old

Sisca Soewitomo's YouTube account already has 42.7 thousand followers. Extraordinary dedication and endless passion in the culinary world.


Sisca Soewitomo has also published 150 recipe books, which are always eagerly awaited by many people. The cooking tips provided by Sisca Soewitomo are very beneficial.