Irfan Hakim visited Soimah's house in Jakarta. He was surprised to find that the singer's house was filled with flowers and plants.
So, what does Soimah's flower collection look like? Take a look here!
Indonesian Celebrity Hobbies
Irfan Hakim visited Soimah's house in Jakarta. He was surprised to find that the singer's house was filled with flowers and plants.
So, what does Soimah's flower collection look like? Take a look here!
Well, this is the front part of Soimah's house filled with trees and flowers.
Irfan Hakim was really surprised when he found out that this house is very different from before.
Plants are not only in front of the house, but also in the entrance to the main room.
In the main room, there are also small white pots neatly arranged.
Irfan Hakim himself called Soimah's house a garden because there are so many plants in almost every corner of the house.
Even in Soimah's kitchen, there are plants placed around the stove.
And this is a cactus and some plant collections owned by Soimah's husband. And from some of these plants, some are originally from Thailand.
Soimah said, staying at home because there is no shooting during the pandemic, she can sell her flowers quickly and at a fairly high price. She can earn 15 million from selling flowers in just 1 month.
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