Recently, unpleasant news came from Mutia Ayu, the late Glenn Fredly's wife. Her daughter, Gewa, had to be rushed to the hospital and hospitalized for 4 days. The beautiful curly-haired girl turned out to have pneumonia. Here are the details.
Celebrity Children
Recently, unpleasant news came from Mutia Ayu, the late Glenn Fredly's wife. Her daughter, Gewa, had to be rushed to the hospital and hospitalized for 4 days. The beautiful curly-haired girl turned out to have pneumonia. Here are the details.
Little Gewa had to be rushed to the hospital last December. As reported by Kompas.com, she suffered from pneumonia. Mutia Ayu revealed this herself.
"Yes, pneumonia," she said. Furthermore, in her Youtube channel, Mutia mentioned that Gewa initially had a fever. Her body temperature was high.
Gewa has had a fever for 3 consecutive days and his body temperature keeps fluctuating. Mutia started to suspect something when Gewa coughed differently than usual. She immediately took Gewa to the emergency room.
Upon arrival, it turns out Gewa needs to be hospitalized, especially since his body temperature has reached 40 degrees Celsius. An IV was inserted in his hand.
The moment of inserting the IV was very challenging because Gewa kept crying hysterically. Gewa also had to wait to get a room. He was only transferred from the emergency room to the room at midnight.
The IV on Gewa's hand came off at one point. Mutia persuaded Gewa to eat a lot. She bought various delicious foods, including donuts with various flavors.
Gewa's hand was then attached to an infusion again and the drama happened again. According to Mutia, Gewa was really angry and went crazy because of it. However, his condition gradually improved.
On the 4th day, Gewa was allowed to go home by the doctor. As reported by Kompas.com, Mutia mentioned that Gewa could have contracted pneumonia due to air pollution in Jakarta.
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