These celebrities have apparently attracted attention since their college days. There is even one of them who became an angel on campus.
Who are these celebrities? Find out more here.
These celebrities have apparently attracted attention since their college days. There is even one of them who became an angel on campus.
Who are these celebrities? Find out more here.
This is a portrait of Najwa Shihab when she was still a freshman at her campus. Sister Nana's hair was still short and tied in a ponytail.
Ayu Dewi's portrait when she started her career in modeling while still a college student. If you notice, Melaney Ricardo and Sandra Dewi were also there.
Feni Rose is a graduate student of Anthropology at the University of Indonesia who actively participates in various activities on campus. She even participated in a student exchange program in Japan.
Rina Nose is a student at the Indonesian Arts College (STSI) in Bandung. Due to her busy schedule as an artist, Rina took 9 years to complete her studies.
This is a portrait of Ersa Mayori when she was still studying at Atma Jaya Catholic University Indonesia.
And this is a portrait of Melaney Ricardo when she was still in college, how beautiful she is, right?
Here is a portrait of Cak Lontong who studied electrical engineering at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya. He graduated as an engineering bachelor in 1989.
A portrait of Denny Cagur when he was still studying at Jakarta State University, can anyone guess which faculty he studied in?
And this is a portrait of Daniel Mananta when he graduated from Edith Cowan University Australia in 2002.
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