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9 Pictures of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar's Handsome Son, Said to be the Result of Superior Genes - Looks Just Like Irwansyah

9 Pictures of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar's Handsome Son, Said to be the Result of Superior Genes - Looks Just Like Irwansyah

Celebrity Children

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9 Pictures of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar's Handsome Son, Said to be the Result of Superior Genes - Looks Just Like Irwansyah

Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah are grateful for the birth of their baby, Ukkasya Muhammad Syahki, who was born on Tuesday (30/03/2021). The 10-year wait of Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah's marriage was finally paid off with the arrival of a baby who was born healthy and handsome in this celebrity couple's life. How handsome is baby Ukkasya's face? Let's take a look at the following slide photos.


Baby Ukkasya was born at Bunda Mother and Child Hospital, Jakarta, through a caesarean section with a weight of 3.4 kg. His loud first cry filled the entire operating room.

9 Pictures of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar's Handsome Son, Said to be the Result of Superior Genes - Looks Just Like Irwansyah

Handsome face of baby Ukkasya was revealed by the couple Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah one day after birth through their social media accounts.


When Zaskia Sungkar first saw baby Ukkasya's face, she was amazed because she had only seen ultrasound photos. She said that the baby's face resembles the father more.


Zaskia Sungkar revealed that there are many similarities between the ultrasound photos and baby Ukkasya's actual face. "But the face really looks like the father, the mother is not given at all," she said.


Baby Ukkasya immediately made Shireen Sungkar, who came to visit her older sister at the hospital after giving birth, happy. She said that baby Ukkasya's chubby cheeks resemble cimol.

9 Pictures of Baby Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar's Handsome Son, Said to be the Result of Superior Genes - Looks Just Like Irwansyah

Ukkasya's baby skin, which is fair and clean, is also compared to a cheese sago cake, in connection with his birth which is close to the month of Ramadan.


Not only from his aunt, Ukkasya's baby handsomeness also flooded with praise on social media. Many mention that Ukkasya's handsome face is the result of superior genes.


No wonder, Ukkasya's baby parents are indeed handsome and beautiful. As the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Once again, congratulations to Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah on the birth of baby Ukkasya. Anyway, are KLovers also one of those who are smitten with Ukkasya's handsome face?