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9 Portraits of Famous Designer Anne Avantie's House for Sale, Now Knows the Difficulty of Selling a House

9 Portraits of Famous Designer Anne Avantie's House for Sale, Now Knows the Difficulty of Selling a House

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9 Portraits of Famous Designer Anne Avantie's House for Sale, Now Knows the Difficulty of Selling a House

Anne Avantie, is a famous Indonesian contemporary kebaya designer. Her works are often worn by top celebrities in the country. Anne is also very active on Instagram, sharing various activities.

Anne has just uploaded a photo of one of her luxurious houses in Semarang. It turns out that the house is offered for sale. Let's see the photo, who knows if KLovers are interested!


The front part of Anne Avantie's house in Bukit Sari, Semarang, which is being offered. The front looks minimalist but the inside is really nice.


In addition to selling her house, apparently Anne also vents. She now knows that it is really difficult to sell a house. The 68-year-old designer also understands the feeling of needing money.


From the caption, it seems that Anne doesn't mind if her house is offered and negotiated for the price. But still difficult to sell.


Anne explains that she is selling this house to continue the noble plan that is currently delayed.


She also hopes that there will be a family sent by God who can help her by buying this house.


Netizens also commented that purchasing power is currently declining. There are also netizens who complain that their houses are not selling.


The interior of this house is indeed luxurious. The living room and family room are spacious. There is also a bathtub in the bathroom.


It is not explained whether Anne also sells the house along with its complete contents.


What do KLovers think about Anne Avantie's house? Anyone interested in buying?