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9 Potraits of Shaista Tanisha, the Eldest Daughter of Rionaldo Stockhorst who is Now Growing into a Teenager, Even More Beautiful - Her Bulenya Face Becomes the Highlight

9 Potraits of Shaista Tanisha, the Eldest Daughter of Rionaldo Stockhorst who is Now Growing into a Teenager, Even More Beautiful - Her Bulenya Face Becomes the Highlight Shaista Tanisha, the child of Rionaldo Stockhorst © - The marriage of Rionaldo Stockhorst and Aureli Beata Schulz blessed them with 3 children. Among their three children, their eldest daughter named Shaista Tanisha has started to attract attention as she grows into a teenager.

Growing into a teenage girl, here are the latest pictures of Shaista who looks even more beautiful and charming.

1. Well, here are the pictures of Rionaldo Stockhorst together with his wife and their three children, looking harmonious.

2. From the first to the third child, Rionaldo was blessed with three beautiful daughters.

3. And this is his eldest daughter named Shaista Tanisha. Becoming more beautiful as she enters her teenage years.

4. Born on July 21, 2018, this year Shaista will celebrate her 14th birthday.

5. Being a teenage girl, Shaista's charm and beauty shine even brighter.

6. Not only that, Shaista also has a mixed race appearance inherited from her father.

7. It's no wonder many people say that Shaista really looks like Rionaldo Stockhorst.

8. Beautiful girl who used to attend Global Sevilla school, now already in 2nd grade of junior high school.

9. Despite still being a teenager, Shaista is already taller than her mother and almost as tall as her father.


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