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9 Transformations of Asila Maisa, the Only Daughter of Ramzi, who is Stylish and Already Photogenic since Childhood

9 Transformations of Asila Maisa, the Only Daughter of Ramzi, who is Stylish and Already Photogenic since Childhood Transformation of Asila Maisa, the daughter of Ramzi (credit: instagram/therealasilamaisa) - The figure of Asila Maisa Fatihah, the daughter of Ramzi and Avi Basalamah, has attracted attention several times. Asila is often praised for her beautiful face and stylish appearance. Moreover, it is known that Asila has started to follow in her parents' footsteps in the entertainment world.

However, it turns out that the charm of Asila Maisa has not only appeared recently. Since she was a child, Asila has had a charm that can make many eyes immediately captivated by her. As she grows older, Asila's charm continues to shine until she grows up to be a charming girl like she is now.

So, are you curious about the transformation of Asila Maisa Fatihah, the daughter of Ramzi and Avi Basalamah? Let's take a look at some of her portraits below.

1. Adorable Childhood

During her childhood, Asila Maisa had a very adorable face, with round eyes, a pointed nose, and chubby cheeks. Not only her appearance was adorable, but also her cute and endearing behavior. Like in this photo, when she was being photographed, little Asila intentionally made an adorable face.

2. Photogenic Since Childhood

Having a cute and adorable face, it seems that little Asila Maisa often became the subject of photographs. Not without reason, because besides being cute, little Asila also started to be aware of the camera. When there was a camera pointing at her, Asila immediately posed. Truly photogenic, truly talented as a model.

3. A Child Close to Her Parents

Asila Maisa was raised as an only child. This made Asila very close to both of her parents. In fact, not only close, in some portraits Asila looks very spoiled with her father and mother. It's no wonder that Asila grew up feeling happy.

4. Stylish since Childhood

At a young age, Asila Maisa is now known to be pursuing a career as a model. Apparently, Asila has had a talent for modeling since she was a child. It is proven that even as a child, Asila already had good fashion sense. Asila's appearance is always stylish and manages to attract attention.

5. Starting to Appear on Television

Asila Maisa seems to have inherited the charm of both of her parents. With a beautiful face, a cheerful demeanor, and her talent, Asila Maisa often gets attention. On several occasions, Asila has started to appear on television. Asila's appearances on television never fail to attract attention.

6. Being a Child Model

The charm and talent that Asila Maisa possesses are not wasted. Since she was a child, Ramzi and Avi as parents have directed Asila's path to do what she wants. Being a child model is one of them. Asila seems to enjoy various moments when she poses in front of the camera.


7. Appearing on the Catwalk

Not only being a photo model, Asila Maisa is now also a catwalk model. Asila looks very confident stepping and posing on the catwalk. According to her mother's story, it turns out that Ivan Gunawan is one of the figures who contributed to Asila's career as a catwalk model. Ivan is said to be the person who gave Asila the opportunity to try the modeling world when she was still a child.

8. Diving into the World of Singing

In addition to being talented in the modeling world, Asila Maisa is also known to be diving into the world of singing. Through her Youtube channel, THE ASILA MAISA, Ramzi's daughter often uploads her performances covering various songs. With her melodious voice, Asila successfully wins the hearts of many people who listen to her singing.

9. More Beautiful with Makeup

This year, Asila Maisa is turning 15 years old. At her age now, Asila looks even more beautiful and seems more mature. Especially when Asila appears with makeup. Her beautiful face becomes even more charming. The charm of the star she possesses also shines instantly.

Those are some of the series of transformation portraits of Asila Maisa, the daughter of Ramzi and Avi Basalamah. What do you think, KLovers, do you agree that Asila has been cool since she was little?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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