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A Month Confined at Home, Ruben Onsu Feels the Hardship of Being a Housewife

A Month Confined at Home, Ruben Onsu Feels the Hardship of Being a Housewife Kapanlagi/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya - The government appeals to the entire community to undergo self-quarantine in order to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus or Covid-19. Presenter Ruben Onsu and his small family comply with this.

For almost a month confined at home, Ruben can now experience the hardship that Sarwendah went through while taking care of the house. Because the activities carried out were only limited to that.

"Finally, we know what a woman at home feels like, we understand that side. Because in the end, I started doing housework instead of just sitting and eating," said Ruben when met in the Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta.

1. Fried Anything

To pass the time, this father of three went down to the kitchen to make food. From fried noodles to various tempeh dishes.

"In the end, I ended up making noodles and eggs again. I wanted to control my eating, but what can I do at home if I don't do anything? I fried all kinds of tempeh, I stir-fried them. Then I fried eggs and flour mixed together," explained the famous presenter.

2. Ruben Onsu Washes Dishes

Not only cooking, Ruben Onsu even took the initiative to wash his own dishes. Sarwendah, who witnessed this, could only throw playful remarks.

"I ended up washing all the dishes myself. Wendah only said this, 'Finally, you experience what it's like to step into the kitchen'. Well, finally I can experience it," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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