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A Year Without, Wife Admits Still Often Visited by the Late Didi Kempot Through Dreams

A Year Without, Wife Admits Still Often Visited by the Late Didi Kempot Through Dreams Special - The longing continues to be felt by Yen Velia for her husband, Didi Kempot, who passed away on May 5, 2020. Although it has been more than a year since her husband's passing, Yen Velia admits that she is still often visited by her late husband in her dreams.

"It happens often. Sometimes every time I want to sleep. Sometimes before sleeping, I recite Al-Fatihah and say, 'please bring him in my dream'. Sometimes he comes, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he just comes and smiles," said Yen Velia when met in Mampang, South Jakarta, on Monday (8/9).


1. Heal Longing

Even though it only comes in dreams while sleeping, Yen Velia is happy because indirectly it can heal her longing for her husband. "Only in my heart. Sometimes it comes, sometimes it doesn't. That's the only way to heal longing," she said.

When her longing becomes unbearable, Yen Velia often visits Didi Kempot's grave at the Public Cemetery (TPU) in Majasem Village, Kendal District, Ngawi, East Java. "Besides dreaming, I also come to the grave for pilgrimage," she concluded.

2. Build a Museum

Yan himself intends to establish a private museum. Based on the information on Yan Vellia's Instagram, the museum is built to commemorate the works of the late Didi Kempot and as a place for Didi Kempot's fans or Sobat Ambyar and Kempoters who want to pilgrimage.

He also asks for prayers and blessings for the construction of this museum. He also expresses his gratitude to his brother who has beautifully and comfortably designed this museum. "Please pray for blessings for this construction. Thank you very much to my brother who designed this museum beautifully and comfortably," concluded the caption of this mother of two.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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