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Absent from the Drug Case Session, Here are 7 Warm Portraits of Irish Bella with Family Celebrating Her Younger Brother's Birthday

Absent from the Drug Case Session, Here are 7 Warm Portraits of Irish Bella with Family Celebrating Her Younger Brother's Birthday Warm Portraits of Irish Bella with Family Celebrating Her Younger Brother's Birthday (credit: instagram/_irishbella_) - Ammar Zoni finally had his first trial for the drug abuse case on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. However, Irish Bella was not present at the trial of Ammar Zoni.

A few days ago, Irish Bella and her family were seen celebrating her younger brother's birthday, Sean. Irish Bella appeared very happy at the party. Although Ammar Zoni was not there, the birthday party held at a restaurant still felt warm.

Curious about what the moment of Irish Bella and her family celebrating her younger brother's birthday looks like? Let's take a look at some of the portraits below.


1. Very Happy

This is a portrait of the moment Irish Bella celebrated her younger brother Sean's birthday. Irish Bella looks very happy, especially during the candle blowing ceremony. The aura of happiness radiates from her sparkling eyes.


2. Simple but Memorable

Sean's birthday celebration, Irish Bella's younger brother, is considered simple. There are no extravagant, luxurious, and lively decorations at Sean's birthday party held at a restaurant. Despite being far from luxurious, Irish Bella's brother's birthday party feels very memorable.


3. Full of Warmth

Not only solemn, Irish Bella's brother's birthday party also feels full of warmth. The warm impression is felt every time you see the togetherness of Irish Bella, her brother, and their mother on that night.


4. Appearing Compact

Irish Bella, Sean, and their mother Susanti Arifin have always been known to have a very warm relationship. This was evident during Sean's birthday celebration, where the three of them appeared even warmer thanks to their matching black dress code. 


5. Attended by Closest People

In addition to Irish Bella and her mother, Sean's birthday party was also attended by other close people. Sean's girlfriend, Laura Abas Jackson, was seen accompanied by her sister, Zoe Jackson. Also present was Antonio Blanco, who has recently been rumored to be dating Zoe Jackson.


6. Familiar with Future In-Laws

At Sean's birthday celebration, it was finally revealed that Irish Bella is already close and familiar with her future sister-in-law, Laura Jackson. When they are together, Irish and Laura already look friendly like besties.


7. Little One Steals Attention

In addition to Laura Jackson, Sean's girlfriend, Irish Bella's children also caught the attention of netizens. Especially little baby Amala who looks adorable wearing colorful sweaters. Seeing baby Amala, many netizens are reminded of Ammar Zoni who couldn't accompany Amala and her sister, Air Rumi, for the time being. 

Those are some of the portraits of Irish Bella celebrating her brother's birthday with her family. Happy birthday, Sean!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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