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Adam Deni Arrested by Police, Jerinx SID: Beautiful Day in Jakarta

Adam Deni Arrested by Police, Jerinx SID: Beautiful Day in Jakarta Jerinx Delighted Adam Deni Detained by Police - Credit: Irfan Kafril/Bayu Herdianto © - Social media activist, Adam Deni, was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Police on February 1, 2022, Tuesday night. It turns out that the news of this arrest has reached Jerinx SID.

When met at the Central Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (2/2), the 44-year-old musician appeared delighted. However, he will continue to face trial regarding allegations of electronic media threats based on Adam Deni's report.

When asked by the media, Jerinx answered the questions with a wide smile on his face. The owner of the real name I Gede Aryastina also revealed that he is ready and enthusiastic to undergo the ongoing trial.

"I'm healthy. Very ready (to undergo the trial). It's a beautiful day today," said Jerinx SID.

1. A Clue

After greeting his colleagues in front of the courtroom, the drummer of the band Superman Is Dead answered media questions regarding the arrest of Adam Deni. According to him, the arrest is a clue related to the case he is currently facing.

"I see Adam Deni's arrest as a clue that he has the same modus operandi that happened to me, so there is an element of unauthorized data theft," he continued.

2. A Beautiful Day

Having been at odds with Adam Deni for quite some time, Jerinx apparently feels 'sorry' for Adam Deni.

"Poor guy. It's a beautiful day in Jakarta," said Jerinx SID.

3. Jerinx Calls Adam Deni a Liar

Jerinx also stated that this could be considered by the judge in assessing his case. He also believes that Adam Deni has lied when swearing on the Quran.

"This could possibly be a consideration for the judge in looking at my case, that this person has such a way of extorting money from others, hopefully he can learn that karma exists. Yesterday, he lied to his God under oath, maybe his God is angry, that's why it turned out like this," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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