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Admitting Lesti as an Ideal Wife Type, Rizky Billar Has No Marriage Target Yet

Admitting Lesti as an Ideal Wife Type, Rizky Billar Has No Marriage Target Yet Lesti and Rizky Billar (credit: Santoso) - Currently, who hasn't heard about Rizky Billar and Lesti? After being matched by many people, these two celebrities, commonly known as LesLar, are getting closer and are prayed to get married.

When met at Studio 5 Indosia, Saturday (11/21/2020), Billar was asked about his relationship with Lesti, which is getting more intimate. So, is Lesti the suitable person to be his wife?

"Well, maybe it can be said that she fulfills the criteria that I need as a wife," answered Billar.

1. Long-Term Plan for Billar

When asked about when he will get married, Billar said he doesn't have a target yet. He leaves it to when he will get married and waits for it to be given by the Almighty. Billar is also looking for the right person who meets the criteria.

"If it's a perfect match, compatible, meets the criteria. Not just meets the criteria, I mean I also have to think carefully because I have to take responsibility for my family, my new family, my wife, especially if there are children. I am a typical planner, someone who plans carefully, so I don't just think about living for one or two years, but for the next 5 to 10 years, what my children will be like, so I have to prepare for it from now on, assets, businesses because we don't know what our future will be like," he explained.

2. Want to Have a Helicopter?

Billar also confirmed that Lesti had visited his new house. So, after having a house, what does Billar want in life now? He then answered jokingly.

"Not a helicopter yet, a private plane like Raffi, God willing. I also want to buy a tank. No, I'm just kidding, I'm not that extreme, what's important is to have assets that can meet the needs of my children in the future. God willing," he replied.

Hopefully, Billar's wishes will come true!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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