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After Being Single, 8 Photos of Angga Maliq & D'Essentials Wedding With Brother-in-law Rian D'Masiv

After Being Single, 8 Photos of Angga Maliq & D'Essentials Wedding With Brother-in-law Rian D'Masiv Angga Maliq & D'Essentials married Dewi Andarini - - After proposing in December 2023, Angga Puradireja, the vocalist of the band Maliq & D'Essentials, officially married his lover, Dewi Andarini. In fact, the woman who is now Angga's wife is the sister-in-law of Rian D'Masiv.

From the posts on social media, the wedding took place on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, with Javanese customs. What do the pictures look like?

1. Second Marriage

This is Angga's second marriage. Previously, Angga married Melanie Putria in 2010 and divorced in 2019.

2. Sempat Tegang

Approaching the wedding ceremony, the couple seemed quite tense. This wedding took place in one of the hotels in South Jakarta.

3. Sah!

Sah! After the marriage contract in front of the officiator, guardian, and witnesses, Angga and Dewi, or affectionately called Ririn, have officially become husband and wife.

4. Jomblo Jangan Iri

Like newlyweds, Angga and Ririn proudly showed their marriage certificate to the happy guests. Hopefully, single people or couples who already have partners will be successful in preparing for their wedding and can show off their marriage certificate like Angga and Ririn.

5. Rian D'Masiv's Brother-in-Law

Angga ended his five-year-long single life by marrying Ririn. Ririn herself is the sister of Sri Ayu Murtisari, Rian D'Masiv's wife.

6. Rian Also Attended

Rian and his wife also attended Angga & Dewi Andarini's special moment. The vocalist was seen wearing Javanese traditional attire.

7. Happiness Together

These are the invited guests who attended the moment. This wedding was held privately and only attended by family and close friends.

8. Bridesmaid

These are the bridesmaids of Ririn. Everyone was amazed watching the beautiful bride.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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