Ari Lasso had to shave his hair bald to undergo chemotherapy. After a long period of treatment, Ari Lasso is now declared cured. Although his hair is not as long as before, Ari Lasso's hair has started to grow. Here is a portrait of him?
Ari Lasso had to shave his hair bald to undergo chemotherapy. After a long period of treatment, Ari Lasso is now declared cured. Although his hair is not as long as before, Ari Lasso's hair has started to grow. Here is a portrait of him?
This is Ari Lasso who has been declared cured of cancer. He still appears with his bald hair.
Now Ari Lasso's hair has also started to grow thin. He can also enjoy a cup of coffee.
Photo with his friend in steph.kurniadi's Instagram story. He prays for Ari Lasso's continued health.
In his latest post, Ari Lasso appeared without wearing a bandana. His thinning hair can be seen.
And previously, Ari Lasso covered his baldness by wearing a bandana.
Ari Lasso looks happy after recovering and being able to take a photo together with his beloved wife.
Diagnosed with a rare spleen cancer, Ari Lasso's struggle to recover has paid off.
And during his battle with cancer, Ari Lasso has been undergoing chemotherapy for a certain period of time.
Still young but already skilled in fasting during Ramadan. This is done by celebrity children, from participating in sahur to performing tarawih prayers. Check out the following portraits!
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Recently, there has been a sensational news in the virtual world. Thousands of Muslims in the United States performed iftar (breaking of fast) and tarawih prayers in Times Square, New York. It immediately became the center of attention.
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