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Al Ghazali & Alyssa Daguise Officially Reunite, Celebrate 4th Anniversary and Share Intimate Photos

Al Ghazali & Alyssa Daguise Officially Reunite, Celebrate 4th Anniversary and Share Intimate Photos Alyssa Daguise - Al Ghazali @ - Lately, there have been rumors circulating that Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise have reunited. It's not without reason, all because of their shared photos on Instagram.

Making the public curious, now Al Ghazali and Alyssa Daguise have finally confirmed the news of their reunion. They even just celebrated their 4th anniversary!

1. Celebrate 4th Anniversary

That's the view you can find in Al Ghazali's latest post on Tuesday (4/2) yesterday. Uploading a beautiful portrait of Alyssa Daguise, he wrote a romantic message to celebrate their 4th anniversary.

"On our 4th anniversary, I want you to know how much I enjoy the moments when I tease you all the time and I am also very excited to do the same in the future," wrote the eldest son of Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty.

2. Showing Intimate Photos

Not just one photo, it turns out Al also uploaded other intimate photos of them. Meanwhile, Alyssa herself had previously uploaded a full-of-love post 7 days ago.

"Love that is full of patience is as sweet as honey. Thank you for being my partner for the past 4 years. No matter what happens, I will always come back to you. I am very proud of us and everything we have been through, together, here today, stronger than ever. I love you!!!!!" that's the translation of Alyssa's caption in Bahasa Indonesia. So sweet, right? ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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