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Al Ghazali and El Rumi Enter the World of Politics, Warmly Welcomed by Prabowo Subianto in Gerindra Party

Al Ghazali and El Rumi Enter the World of Politics, Warmly Welcomed by Prabowo Subianto in Gerindra Party Al Ghazali and El Rumi Join Gerindra Party (credit: - Al Ghazali and El Rumi recently decided to enter the world of politics. Following in their father's footsteps, both of Ahmad Dhani's children joined the Gerindra Party.

The joining of these siblings was introduced directly by Prabowo Subianto, the Chairman of the Gerindra Party, who warmly welcomed the presence of young millennials in the world of politics at his residence. Al and El will become Gerindra Party cadres in the 2024 Election.

"Today we received the support of young millennials who are ready to fight alongside us, Al and El. We are determined that Gerindra must be the party of the future," said Prabowo Subianto, quoted from a short video shared by the Gerindra Party on their official social media account.



1. Many Young People Engage in Politics

Still in the same opportunity, Prabowo Subianto also stated that the joining of Al and El is just the beginning. Because in the future, there will be many other young generations who will also participate in the world of politics.

"Young people who join us, and I think in the coming days there will be more, many have expressed their joining," said Prabowo Subianto.



2. Reasons for Joining Gerindra Party

When asked why he chose to join the Gerindra Party, Al Ghazali frankly stated that he has been a fan of Prabowo Subianto since 2014.

"I chose Prabowo, Gerindra, because I have been a fan of him since 2014. He has a burning fire, which is what young people need," said Al Ghazali.

"Prabowo is the most sincere figure to the people," he added.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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