7 Photos of Rossa and Anggun C Sasmi Recreate Photos from 10 Years Ago, No Difference - Eternal Youthful Beauty
Rossa, Anggun C Sasmi, and Robby Purba recently recreated their past moments after 10 years. Here are the photos KLovers.
Kapanlagi.com - Comedian and politician, Eko Patrio is frank about the capital spent on the campaign in order to be re-elected as a representative. Not playing around, Viona Rosalina's husband spent around Rp 1 billion.
"Yes, for fuel, transportation, it's about Rp 1 billion," said Eko Patrio at the PAN DPP Office, Buncit Raya Pulo Kalibata, South Jakarta, Saturday (20/1/2024).
It is known that Eko is running again as a candidate for the DPR legislative member for the DKI Jakarta 1 electoral district which includes the East Jakarta area. This is because Eko's house is located in that area.
Eko Patrio openly discusses the capital spent on the campaign (Credit: Special)
Although it requires a considerable amount of money, Eko is grateful for being helped by his popularity as an artist. Of course, Rp1 billion is not a small amount of money for him.
"I already have social capital, which is my fame, and that is valuable," said Eko.
Due to his popularity as a comedian, Eko admitted that he doesn't need to spend more money to buy campaign props.
"So there's no need to make banners, flags, or TV ads. Meeting with the community is also easy because I am already well-known," said Eko.
If elected, Eko stated that he will focus on helping micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) in East Jakarta. He has already taken the initial step by directly meeting with UMKM entrepreneurs.
"There are many UMKM that need support, such as the industries in Pulo Gadung, shoe industry, t-shirt industry," said Eko.
"With government programs as a bridge, there will be assistance including financing," concluded Eko.
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Rossa, Anggun C Sasmi, and Robby Purba recently recreated their past moments after 10 years. Here are the photos KLovers.
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