Alvin Faiz and Henny Rahman have been married for about a year. Their marriage seems very harmonious and peaceful.
Apparently, Henny Rahman was allegedly involved in a feud with Alvin Faiz's ex-wife, Larissa Chou. Read more here!
Celebrity Activities
Alvin Faiz and Henny Rahman have been married for about a year. Their marriage seems very harmonious and peaceful.
Apparently, Henny Rahman was allegedly involved in a feud with Alvin Faiz's ex-wife, Larissa Chou. Read more here!
Here is one of the warm and harmonious moments of Alvin Faiz and Henny Rahman.
Their love journey was relatively short until they finally decided to get married.
Nevertheless, that does not prevent them from always being intimate and harmonious.
As it is known, they have been married for approximately one year, they got married on August 14th last year.
This special moment was celebrated with a romantic dinner for two. Henny also gave her congratulations on the journey she has taken with Alvin.
Although they appear harmonious and peaceful, the fact is that this couple is often hit with negative rumors.
One of them is the moment when Alvin Faiz returned his son to Larissa Chou.
Henny Rahman is also suspected to have been involved in a mutual mockery with Larissa Chou. It has been a long time, now they consistently show the harmony of their household.
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