Do you still remember artist Maya Septha who once played as Neng Maya, Sule's housemaid in the show Ini Talkshow? Yap! The woman whose full name is Maya Septha Setiono, born in Jakarta on September 12, 1986, is known to have started her career in the entertainment industry of the homeland by becoming an advertising star. She, who became more known to the public for her roles in several films such as the horror comedy film entitled Gotcha (2006), The Last Wolf (2009), and several soap operas such as Cerita SMA (2008) and Cinta Dalam Maut (2008), as well as comedy shows entitled Kejar Tayang, Extravaganza, and Comedy Project around 2010-2012.
She became more famous since her role as Neng Maya who is Sule's housemaid in the show Ini Talkshow. However, a few years later she seemed to be rarely seen on television and focused on taking care of her family with her husband and three children. It seems that her family life is getting more and more compact as seen from the daily posts shared by Maya on her private Instagram account. Do you want to know what the excitement of Maya Septha's family compactness is like? Just take a look at some of their togetherness portraits below!