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Always Seen Affectionate, 8 Photos of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta Who Are Willing to Sleep Separately for Their Children

Always Seen Affectionate, 8 Photos of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta Who Are Willing to Sleep Separately for Their Children

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Always Seen Affectionate, 8 Photos of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta Who Are Willing to Sleep Separately for Their Children

Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta have always shown their affection on social media. Roger, who is known as a romantic husband, often treats Cut Meyriska sweetly. But recently, they made netizens excited with their confession about sleeping separately.

Always Seen Affectionate, 8 Photos of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta Who Are Willing to Sleep Separately for Their Children

Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta admitted that they had separated in bed.


Because many people misunderstood the statement, the couple, who got married on August 17, 2019, then clarified.

Always Seen Affectionate, 8 Photos of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta Who Are Willing to Sleep Separately for Their Children

Apparently, Cut Meyriska and Roger are willing to not sleep in the same bed for the sake of their two children.


Roger and Cut Meyriska's children used to sleep together. But now they are in different beds.

Always Seen Affectionate, 8 Photos of Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta Who Are Willing to Sleep Separately for Their Children

However, Cut Meyriska and Roger still have to accompany their children in their respective beds.


Although they don't sleep in the same bed, Cut Meyriska, Roger, and their children are still in the same room.


"Shaquille has been almost two years old, his sleep has started to move around, if the baby is disturbed he cries, if they sleep together it won't be peaceful. Still in the same room, just different beds," said Roger Danuarta quoted from Pagi Pagi Ambyar on Friday (8/7).


Cut Meyriska and Roger really want to enjoy the growth of their child by trying not to miss any small moments.