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An Only Child Starts College, Najwa Shihab Feels Extremely Worried

An Only Child Starts College, Najwa Shihab Feels Extremely Worried Najwa Shihab (credit: - It's hard to believe that Najwa Shihab's only child, Najwa Shihab, has grown up so fast. This is also felt by the famous journalist herself.

Now, her son, Izzat Assegaf, is 17 years old and has graduated from high school. He is currently continuing his education at the University of Essex, England.

Upon learning that her child has started college, Najwa Shihab becomes extremely worried. She revealed this during her appearance on the Merry Riana YouTube channel.

"Yes, Izzat is in his first year of college. I just dropped him off a month ago. It's still very painful for me. I'm a worried mother," she explained.

1. How to Educate Children

The woman affectionately called Nana apparently has her own way of educating her child. She considers Izzat as her best friend and always a good listener.

"Make sure he feels comfortable talking about anything. That way, we hope that if there is something, he will come to his parents rather than to someone else who may not be able to give him the right advice. So, make sure he feels comfortable to talk about anything that happens in his life," explained the 42-year-old woman.

2. Always Worried About the Child

The field chosen by the child is not far from Nana and her husband's world. Apparently, Izzat chose the international development major, which studies economics, politics, and the environment.

Being far away now, of course, makes Nana always worried about her child. Especially since Izzat is her only child.

"I don't think there is anyone yet. Haha, I'm in denial. But he's a boy. Now Izzat is 17 years old. Oh, I don't know yet (if he's looking for a girlfriend). Of course, what mother doesn't worry about her child," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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