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Andrea Dian's High Protein Brownies Recipe, Still Delicious and Healthy

Andrea Dian's High Protein Brownies Recipe, Still Delicious and Healthy Andrea Dian's High Protein Brownies Recipe. (instagram/andreadianbimo) - Andrea Dian, a celebrity known not only for her appearance but also for her healthy lifestyle, shares a delicious and easy-to-make high-protein brownies recipe. In her Instagram post, Andrea shares a practical way to make brownies with healthy ingredients that anyone concerned about their health can enjoy.

Although brownies are usually associated with unhealthy snacks, this recipe offers a solution with high protein content, low fat, and still tasty. This brownies recipe from Andrea Dian is not only easy to follow but also very nutritious.

With ingredients like Greek yogurt and whey protein, these brownies become an ideal snack option for those looking to increase their protein intake. Let's take a look at the recipe:

1. Ingredients Needed

  • 75gr Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 30gr vanilla whey protein
  • 30ml water

2. How to Make

  1. The first step is to mix all the prepared ingredients in a bowl. Stir well using a spoon or whisk to ensure all ingredients are well combined.
  2. After all the ingredients are well mixed, place the bowl in the microwave and heat for 30 to 40 seconds.
  3. After 30-40 seconds, remove the bowl from the microwave and mash the mixture using a spoon or fork. Stir again until the texture is more even.
  4. Put the bowl back in the microwave for another 30 seconds.
  5. Once the batter is firm enough, the high protein brownies by Andrea Dian are ready to enjoy.
  6. Add strawberry toppings or ice cream to taste.

3. Macronutrients in Brownies

Each serving of these brownies contains about 178 calories, 35.6 grams of protein, 1.2 grams of fat, and 8.5 grams of carbohydrates. These figures make these brownies an ideal choice for those who want to maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing taste.

4. Bimo's Favorite Food

These healthy brownies are actually one of Bimo's favorite foods, Andrea Dian's husband. In the video, Bimo is seen enjoying his wife's cooking very much.

5. Netizens' Responses

This post received a lot of responses from netizens. Instead of focusing on the cooking tutorial, netizens paid attention to how Andrea repeatedly washed her hands.

"This is so me, after this wash my hands, then wash my hands again, just keep washing my hands." Said @dewiasrinurlia

"Andrea is me, washing hands a little bit." Said @ratrimeylrt

"Same here, I also wash my hands a little bit." Expressed @risca_988

That is Andrea Dian's high protein brownies recipe. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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