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Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

Celebrity Children

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Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

As a mother, Angbeen Rishi certainly wants to give the best for her child. Adly Fairuz's wife also has desires related to her son, Ardashir Behrouz Al Barraq. Through Instagram, Angbeen briefly confessed about her child. What are they? Let's also see photos of Baby Ardashir and his mama!

Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

A few days ago, Angbeen revealed some things about her son, Ardashir.

Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

Angbeen said she really wants to be able to go out wearing matching clothes like in the photo with her child. But she admits she is very paranoid about the pandemic.

Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

Especially as a mother, she doesn't want anything bad to happen to her little child.

Angbeen Rishi's Confession About Her Child, Wants to Wear Matching Clothes Until Crying About Soap

Angbeen said she's the type of mother who is sensitive. She once cried when the cream and soap used by Ardashir didn't suit her skin.


Angbeen said Adly Fairuz knows how sensitive she is when it comes to children. Adly then gave words of encouragement to his wife on Instagram.


Stay strong, Angbeen. May Adly Fairuz and your family always be healthy and always remember #pesanibu (mother's message) to always follow health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands with soap and running water, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and limiting mobility and interactions.