Kapanlagi.com - Speaking of Sundanese women, of course, the beautiful women will immediately come to mind. It cannot be denied that Sundanese women have an extraordinary charm. The nickname 'kembang' for Bandung city itself may not only be because of its beautiful and scenic city, but also because of its beautiful and lovely women.
Sundanese women have a characteristic of clean and bright skin as well as gentle speech. It's no wonder that these beautiful celebrities with Sundanese blood always succeed in stealing attention with their enchanting faces.
Who are they? Instead of being curious, here are a series of portraits of celebrities with Sundanese blood who are guaranteed to captivate hearts.
1. Anisa Rahma

(credit: instagram.com/anisarahma)
The early appearance of Anisa Rahma who was a member of the girl band Cherrybelle successfully caught attention. Born in Bandung on October 12, 1990, she also has Sundanese blood. Having a sweet smile easily attracts fans. Although she decided to leave the girl band that had skyrocketed her name, she is now more focused on taking care of her family.
2. Melody Nurramdhani Laksani

(credit: instagram.com/melodylaksani92)
Who doesn't know Melody Nurramdhani Laksani. Former member of the music group JKT48, she successfully made her name more popular and widely known by the public of the homeland. This woman, born in Bandung, is famous for her beautiful face.
In fact, she is very proud when speaking in Sundanese. The charm of her gentle melody with the characteristic of the city of Bandung becomes even more enchanting with the hijab.
3. Citra Kirana

(credit: instagram.com/citraciki)
This beautiful artist, who is married to Rezky Aditya, is also a spotlight because of her beautiful face that often adorns the television screen. Apparently, this 26-year-old woman has Sundanese blood in her. This may still be fresh in mind, when Citra Kirana wore a traditional Sundanese headpiece called siger during the wedding. She is truly beautiful.
4. Laudya Cynthia Bella

(credit: instagram.com/laudyacynthiabella)
This beautiful woman is indeed a native Sundanese. Bella, as she is called, was born in Bandung on February 24, 1988. Bella started her career as a magazine model and now her name is well-known in the entertainment industry. Her naturally beautiful face and gentle speech make her admired by many.
5. Adhisty Zara

(credit: instagram.com/zaraadhsty)
Born in Bandung, who can resist the charm of Zara, former member of JKT48? Adhisty Zara Sundari Kusumawardhani, with her full name, has become one of the idols among young people. Her successful career as a singer, dancer, and actress has been proven by her ability to maintain her existence in the entertainment world like today. This cute face also attracts attention with her stunning appearance, which she often shares through her personal Instagram.
6. Isyana Sarasvati

(credit: instagram.com/isyanasarasvati)
Since her early appearance in the entertainment world, it seems that Isyana is one of the women who has a complete package. Besides being beautiful, she is also very talented in the world of music. The works she always presents are always well received by the public. Isyana's beautiful appearance seems to be inherited from her Sundanese blood.
7. Raisa

(credit: instagram.com/raisa6690)
Speaking of Raisa, it never ends. This singer with a golden voice always manages to captivate the hearts of fans with her beautiful charm. It's no wonder that her enchanting beauty comes from one of her Sundanese parents. Despite being married to Hamish Daud and having a child, Raisa's charm always remains captivating.
8. Syahrini

(credit: instagram.com/princessyahrini)
The name Syahrini is also one of the Indonesian celebrities of Sundanese descent who is no less charming. Having a distinctive soft speaking style, the wife of Reino Barack is always known. Very beautiful.
Those are some portraits of beautiful celebrities of Sundanese descent who always attract attention. According to you, whose charm is the most captivating?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.