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As Food for Thought, Vikri Rahmat is Ready to Tour and Introduce His Second Album Titled

As Food for Thought, Vikri Rahmat is Ready to Tour and Introduce His Second Album Titled "Renung"

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As Food for Thought, Vikri Rahmat is Ready to Tour and Introduce His Second Album Titled - After successfully releasing the single "Pengen Ini Itu", Vikri Rahmat, a comedian who is also known as a singer, is now ready to take a step further by holding a tour and introducing his second album titled "Renung".

Interestingly, Vikri chose to tour first before officially launching his album.

"I want to go out first. At the same time, I want to introduce this, I want to release a new album. While introducing the new songs. While traveling," said Vikri during a visit to the KLY office in Central Jakarta.


In this tour, Vikri will not only introduce new songs from his second album but will also greet fans in various cities in Indonesia. The plan is to conduct this tour independently using a camper van.


"We bring our own sound system. We bring our own lighting. So, when we arrive, we set up and install the sound. It seems fun. Please pray for us, hopefully by the end of this year we can go," he said.


Vikri's second album, titled "Renung", is inspired by deep reflections on life. According to Vikri, many people only focus on thinking about the future without reflecting on their current life.


"We only think. Just thinking about how my future will be. How will I be in the future. Until we forget to sit for a moment, rest for a bit, just to reflect on ourselves," he explained.


In this album, Vikri hopes his songs can serve as material for contemplation for his listeners. The songs are designed to be enjoyed in solitude and to be companions in reflecting on various aspects of life.


"If you are fighting with your dad, and you are both giving each other the silent treatment while you listen to a song with your dad's advice, maybe you can reflect there to try to think about whether you should be angry or not," said Vikri.


This upcoming tour is not just a performance platform, but also a medium for discussion between Vikri and his fans. Vikri wants to create a more intimate and interactive atmosphere with the audience.


"When I perform it live, let's have a discussion, let's reflect together. The purpose of meeting is to discuss, not to perform. That's what I want," said Vikri.


The influence of great artists like Bob Marley, John Lennon, and Etta James greatly impacts Vikri's musical style. They, known for their powerful messages in their works, become an inspiration for Vikri to convey messages through his music. 


"Popularity isn't that important to them; what matters is that my message gets across," he explained.


For Vikri, every performance on stage is no longer just a concert, but rather a forum for enjoyable discussion and interaction.


"I just feel comfortable, bro, it's fun. It's not just a performance. I used to feel like I've experienced this before, going on stage like a show, but for me, it feels like work. It gets tiring," he said.  


With a different tour concept and a new album full of meaning, Vikri Rahmat is ready to invite his fans to reflect and discuss through music. This tour is expected to be an experience that is not only enjoyable but also meaningful for everyone involved.  

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