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Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

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Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

The news of Ashraf Sinclair's passing was indeed surprising, and that was also felt by several Indonesian celebrities. They initially didn't believe the news of the departure of Bunga Citra Lestari's husband. As a form of mourning, they posted photos of memories with Ashraf and uploaded them on social media.

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

Ashraf Sinclair has been involved in the entertainment industry for a long time. He often appeared on television. It's no wonder that many feel the loss, including Lukman Sardi.


I couldn't believe it when Daniel Mananta received news that Ashraf had passed away. Especially since he had just met Ashraf yesterday afternoon when he was going to the Indonesian Idol event

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

Sophia Latjuba is also mourning. She uploaded her moments with Ashraf. She also prayed for BCL and her family to be given strength. 

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

Rianti Cartwright was also shocked when she received the sad news. Especially since she and Ashraf had worked together in a television series and became close.

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

Titi Kamal also expressed her condolences through a post on Instagram. "Innalilahi wa inna ilaihirojiun, condolences on the passing of Ashraf. May he be given the most beautiful place in the presence of Allah SWT. Shocking news this morning. Please be strong @bclsinclair Al Fatihah," she said.


Baim Wong's relationship with Ashraf is also close. They have worked together on a project before. As a condolence, Baim also uploaded their moments together with Ashraf, including a funny photo of the two.

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

During Aming's birthday celebration, BCL and Ashraf were also present. Everyone was happy during the celebration. Now, the photo of them together with Ashraf has become an unforgettable memory for Aming.

Ashraf Sinclair Husband of Bunga Citra Lestari Passed Away, Several Celebrities Upload Photos of Memories with the Deceased

Reza Rahadian and BCL often collaborate on projects together, so it's not surprising that Reza himself is also close to Ashraf. And this is a photo of their memory together.


Nia Ramadhani also uploaded a photo of her memory with Ashraf. Nia also prays for BCL to always stay strong.