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Aska Ongi Confessed to Accompanying Aliff Alli to Redeem Medication at the Mental Hospital While Dating

Aska Ongi Confessed to Accompanying Aliff Alli to Redeem Medication at the Mental Hospital While Dating Aska Ongi / Photo Credit: - Adi Abbas Nugroho - Besides revealing the fact that Aliff Alli is still married, Aska Ongi also uncovered another fact unknown to the public. He said that during their relationship, he often accompanied Aliff to redeem medication at the mental hospital in Dharmawangsa area, South Jakarta.

"I just found a history of receipts that he had redeemed medicine. One of them is Arinia medicine which, after I searched on Google, seems to be medication for bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. When we were dating, we went there every month to redeem the medicine," Aska said when met at the Central Jakarta Religious Court on Wednesday (21/4/2021).


1. Consuming Drugs Due to Depression

At that time, Aska Ongi once asked what the reason Aliff Alli consumed those drugs. And the answer that came out of the mouth of the soap opera actor turned out to be quite surprising.

"I was still positively thinking when I asked, 'Why did you come to the hospital like this?' He answered depression. I thought his depression was after divorcing Nora. I thought it was because of financial problems. I didn't ask further into it," continued the mother of one child.


2. Dealing Based on Applicable Laws

Seeing his client involved with an opponent who is suspected to have mental health issues, Feriyawansyah will deal with it according to the applicable laws. From here, the judge can see more clearly what is happening.

"If we are dealing with someone like this, we should rely on the applicable laws. If their mental state is like this, what can we do? So the judge must consider this case. So that our client doesn't become a victim, especially the child. We think about that. Because so far, what our client has shown is not obstructing," said Feriyawansyah.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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