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Askara Parasady Established as a Suspect in the Case of Assault against Nindy Ayunda

Askara Parasady Established as a Suspect in the Case of Assault against Nindy Ayunda Nindy's husband is proven to commit domestic violence © Akrom Sukarya - The latest development comes from the alleged assault case carried out by Askara Parasady Harsono against his wife, singer Nindy Ayunda. Based on the investigation, the police have named Aska as a suspect.

"The progress of Nindy's case has been brought to the investigation process. After examining the witnesses, we conducted an investigation, and then we elevated his status (Aska) as a suspect," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Jimmy Samma, when interviewed by the media at his office on Tuesday (23/2/2020).


1. Proven Acts of Violence

The change in suspect status was obtained after the investigator listened to the statement of Nindy Ayunda as the complainant, the statements of witnesses, as well as the evidence collected. From there, they found the existence of a criminal act that must be held accountable.

"We examined several witnesses. From our in-depth investigation and analysis, we found the occurrence of a criminal incident, meaning there was a criminal act involved. Someone must be held criminally responsible for the reported assault," Jimmy continued.


2. Occurrences Throughout 2020

The violence experienced by Nindy Ayunda occurred throughout the year 2020. However, the police implicated Aksara under Article 44 of the Domestic Violence Law based on the latest report, with a potential prison sentence of five years.

"Based on the report, acts of violence were consistently committed throughout 2020. However, we refer to the latest report in September. A doctor's examination report was included, and there were indeed bruises in many parts of the body," Jimmy explained.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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