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Assessing the Level of Stress Experienced by Dinar Candy from the Perspective of a Psychologist

Assessing the Level of Stress Experienced by Dinar Candy from the Perspective of a Psychologist Credit: - Psychologist Lita Gading assessed the extreme action taken by Dinar Candy by going down the street wearing only a bikini as a protest against the extension of PPKM, as part of a mental health disorder.

"Something made beyond normal limits usually has two reasons, because there are disturbances in serotonin hormones and psychological disturbances, I see both in her (Dinar Candy)," said Lita Gading when contacted by reporter, Friday (6/8/2021).

According to her, the mental health disorder experienced by Dinar Candy cannot be taken lightly. Dinar Candy should quickly receive psychological assistance.

"If you ask me, it's half serious. If you count from 1 to 4, she's at level 3. Because if it's serious, she has lost her mind, doesn't know who she is anymore. That's why she needs to be clinically assessed and receive healing therapy," she said.

Lita Gading advises the public not to vilify Dinar Candy for what she has done. Because, in fact, it is not only Dinar Candy who experiences psychological disturbances during the implementation of PPKM.

"Don't judge and vilify her. Maybe she is getting more stressed because her livelihood is not enough due to PPKM, the nightlife is closed." His job as a DJ is non-existent. This condition is not only experienced by him. Because my patients who have psychological disorders also increased during PPKM," he concluded.

1. Revealing Troubled Feelings

The act of going down the street in just a bikini was done on Tuesday (8/3) last week. In that action, she carried a board that read 'I am stressed because the PPKM is extended'. When contacted by reporter, she expressed her troubled feelings. 

"Yes, I beg you, how about the PPKM? I want an explanation if there is a final PPKM on the 9th. If there is an extension, I'm so confused about what to do," she concluded.

2. Dinar Candy Sends an Open Letter to President Jokowi


Before this incident, Dinar also sent an open letter to President Jokowi. Specifically, on Monday (2/8) yesterday, the woman who often appears sexy questioned when this PPKM policy would end.

"Dear Mr. Jokowi, how is this PPKM being extended or not? Don't take too long, sir, I'm stressed, I'm so stressed that I want to go down the street wearing a bikini," wrote Dinar.

For all KLovers, don't forget to continue to adhere to health protocols. Let's take care of each other so that this pandemic ends soon and things return to normal.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Not Detained Despite Being Declared a Suspect After Wearing a Bikini on the Road, Police Schedule Mandatory Reporting for Dinar Candy

Not Detained Despite Being Declared a Suspect After Wearing a Bikini on the Road, Police Schedule Mandatory Reporting for Dinar Candy

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Not Detained Despite Being Declared a Suspect After Wearing a Bikini on the Road, Police Schedule Mandatory Reporting for Dinar Candy