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Atalarik Syach Strongly Rejects the Execution of His Children

Atalarik Syach Strongly Rejects the Execution of His Children Atalaric Syach © Santoso - Tsania Marwa indeed has obtained custody of the children based on the West Java High Court. However, until now, both of her children still live with Atalarik Syach. Tsania Marwa plans to execute her children. However, Atalarik Syach strongly rejects it.

"It's impossible to execute children. So, the term execution is clearly, openly, we object to carrying it out. Why we disagree and cannot justify it is because it concerns the rights of the children themselves, that's the essence," said Atalarik Syach during a press conference in Bintaro, South Jakarta, on Monday (5/4).

1. Rejecting Execution

Atalarik Syach has already expressed his objections to the Religious Court of Cibinong. Rather than having to execute the children, he prefers to negotiate with his ex-wife.

"At the meeting with the chairman of the Religious Court of Cibinong and Mr. Junaedi as my legal representative, on February 17, 2021, all of our objections have been expressed, this execution action, frankly, we reject it and lean towards a solution for negotiation," said Atalarik Syach.

2. Request for Assistance from KPAI

Atalarik Syach has also asked for assistance from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) if the execution of this child is still to be carried out.

“I have personally visited KPAI regarding the invitation on February 17, 2021, for KPAI to act as a witness if this action is implemented. As a witness to see how the process of the child goes,” he said.

3. Children's Reactions

So, how do Atalarik and Tsania's children react to knowing about this execution? Because they are still young, they don't understand anything yet. However, Atalarik has tried to explain a little about what is happening.

“I have prepared my children in the sense that they have to prepare themselves mentally. One day, they may have to leave their home, my home. Until now, my children still can't comprehend it,” explained Atalarik Syach.

“As evidence in court later on, my child has not left the house for four years, living with their mother. The majority, or rather, one hundred percent, reject the execution of children,” he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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