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Atta Halilintar Has Forgiven and Withdrawn the Report, Savas Fresh Released from South Jakarta Police Custody

Atta Halilintar Has Forgiven and Withdrawn the Report, Savas Fresh Released from South Jakarta Police Custody Atta Halilintar - Aurel Hermansyah has forgiven Savas Fresh © - Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah withdrew the report against Savas Fresh for defamation on Tuesday (9/11). Atta stated that Savas Fresh has apologized and promised not to repeat the same mistake.

"Yes, we agreed to make peace. Savas and his family have shown good intentions and apologized," said Atta Halilintar at South Jakarta Police, Tuesday (9/11).

Not only that, forgiving Savas Fresh is also a step for Atta Halilintar to control the anger of his extended family. He does not want this issue to prolong because of the defamation that has tarnished his reputation.

"Basically, mom, I am here to control the anger of my family. I don't want to be falsely accused or accused of having a child like this, a wife like this, and so on," added Atta.

1. Savas Will Soon Be Released from Detention

"It has been acknowledged that it was all just manipulation and slander, they have admitted everything, in essence, parents want to defend their child and the child wants to defend their parents," Atta continued.

In the same opportunity, the head of criminal investigation unit of South Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Commissioner Achmad Akbar, stated that they will soon accommodate the results of the mediation. Furthermore, they will also soon release Savas from detention.

"Basically, what the complainant conveyed has been received, hopefully it will be resolved. Once it is resolved regarding the suspect, we will release their status as a detainee. Of course, today because the revocation has been conveyed today, we are also obliged to complete it today," said Achmad Akbar.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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