A series of celebrities are dating their younger partners. Some of them have even entered into marriage.
Who are these celebrities? Let's find out more here.
A series of celebrities are dating their younger partners. Some of them have even entered into marriage.
Who are these celebrities? Let's find out more here.
Wulan Guritno fell in love with basketball player Sabda Ahessa. As known, Sabda and Wulan have a 15-year age gap.
Same goes for Jessica Iskandar, who married Vincent Verhaag, who is younger than her. Vincent is known to be 4 years younger than Jedar.
One of the most enduring couples to this day is Darius Sinathrya and Donna Agnesia. Donna herself is about 6 years older than Darius.
Even with Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty. Often seen as harmonious until now, it turns out Ussy is 5 years older than Andhika.
Agnez Mo is known to be dating a man named Adam Rosyadi. Adam himself is known to have a significant age gap with Agnez, 13 years.
Dinda Kirana is dating her lover, Naufal Samudra. Naufal himself is 4 years younger than Dinda.
Tyas Mirasih is currently in a relationship with Tengku Tezi, who allegedly fell in love while shooting. Tyas herself is 7 years older than Tezi.
Nadine Chandrawinata married Dimas Anggara, who is younger than her. Dimas himself is 4 years younger than Nadine.
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Celebrity love life often becomes the spotlight of netizens. There are always comments, curious who are the celebrities?
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