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Aura Kasih Mentions Eryck Amaral's Hidden Location, Turns Out He is Now Here

Aura Kasih Mentions Eryck Amaral's Hidden Location, Turns Out He is Now Here Aura Kasih and Eryck Amaral © Santoso - When filing for divorce in the Religious Court, Aura Kasih stated that Eryck Amaral's location was unknown or mysterious. Therefore, the court will summon Eryck through the mass media.

Actually, Eryck's location is not very secret. He is currently in Bangkok, Thailand and has been living in the Land of the White Elephant for several months now.


1. Announced on Instagram

Eryck's location is easy to find because every time he posts on Instagram, he always includes a location tag. The latest update, as of December 1, 2020, the Brazilian model is still in Bangkok.

He has been living there for quite a while and had planned to return to Indonesia. However, it is unknown why Eryck decided to continue living in Bangkok instead of going back home and meeting Aura Kasih.


2. Postponed Hearing for Another 4 Months

Due to Eryck's declared missing address, the court has postponed the divorce hearing for this couple. They will announce Eryck's summons in the mass media first, and then the new hearing process can take place.

Around 4 months of time is given to Eryck to appear in court. However, if he does not appear within that timeframe, the hearing will proceed without him.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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