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Azka Corbuzier's Birthday, Upload Photos of Togetherness with Kalina, Deddy, and Sabrina Chairunnisa

Azka Corbuzier's Birthday, Upload Photos of Togetherness with Kalina, Deddy, and Sabrina Chairunnisa Azka Corbuzier (credit: - Time flies. Azka Corbuzier is now 14 years old. In fact, the son of Deddy Corbuzier from his marriage to Kalina Ocktaranny is already 179 cm tall and has a muscular body.

At midnight, Azka uploaded a photo of himself with both of his parents and Sabrina Chairunnisa, who is now close to Deddy. In the caption, Azka expresses his gratitude to the three of them as well as his close friends.

"Welp, today is quite special, at least for me, because today is my birthday. But honestly, I don't want to make it all about me, so let's make it about the people who have helped and taken care of me over the years," Azka wrote initially.

1. Create for Kalina and Sabrina

The first person to receive thanks from Azka is his mother, Kalina. Followed by appreciation for Sabrina who is also close to him.

"First, I want to thank my mom @kalinaocktaranny for teaching me to be a good person. I don't feel like a good person, but without her, I might be taking candy from a child now. I also want to thank @sabrinachairunnisa_ for being there for me and my dad, having fun and laughing with us," Azka wrote.

2. Thank You to Family and Friends

Azka doesn't forget some close people in his life who have been with him all this time. He mentioned the names of some people in his thank you speech.

"There are many other people whom I trust have helped shape me into the person I am now, including @michael.qed @vagustiant @feri.hui @yopihong @dididemonte and all the family members I didn't mention here (if I didn't mention you, it's because I'm writing this at 12 o'clock). I also want to thank all my friends at school. I won't mention you because I don't have permission, but truly thank you for being my friend."

3. Touching Words for Deddy

Finally, of course, Azka expressed his gratitude to his father who has been taking care of and guiding him all this time. His thank you message for Deddy is really touching.

"And finally, I want to thank my dad @mastercorbuzier. He has always been with me through ups and downs. He was my first teacher who truly helped me since I suffered from dyslexia, he helped me with school, he helped me with my fitness, he helped me become a man. I know no one will read this, but I really mean it," he wrote.

Well, we read it, Azka. Happy birthday, stay healthy and may you be even more loved by the people around you!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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