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Bastian Steel Becomes Longest Boyfriend, Shafa Harris: He Overcomes My Mental Problems

Bastian Steel Becomes Longest Boyfriend, Shafa Harris: He Overcomes My Mental Problems Bastian Steel - Shafa Harris @ - Shafa Harris has just conducted an exclusive interview with Orami Indonesia through their YouTube channel. There, she revealed various issues, from her viral video with Jennifer Dunn to her love story with Bastian Steel.

To the host, Shafa Harris admitted that she has been dating Bastian Steel for approximately 1.5 years. Fun fact, Bastian is the guy she has been in a relationship with the longest.

Of course, there are reasons why Shafa is determined to maintain a long-term relationship with Bastian at the age of 17. It's not just about being good, for Shafa, Bastian is a boyfriend who truly understands her.

1. Bastian, Shafa's Closest Person

"Initially, when I met him, I never expected him to be like this. He is kind, he is one of my closest people, I tell him everything. He also tells me anything (about his problems)," said Shafa Harris.

She continued, "He also helps me with my mental problems and family problems. He also helps me handle many things, whether I'm happy or sad."

2. Family's Approval

Shafa admits that it is not easy for others to comfort her when she is sad or stressed, but Bastian really makes her comfortable. "He is very patient, and I am an emotional person," she added.

Not only is he her closest person, but Bastian is also well-accepted by Shafa's family. In fact, her father, Faisal Haris, has given his approval for their relationship. Well, may you continue to be happy and lasting with Bastian, Shafa! ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Get Blessing! These 7 Warm Moments of Celebrities Bringing Special Friends to Family, Dinner - Vacation Together