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Beautiful Model Vika Chu Admits to Being a Skincare Addict Due to the Demands of Her Profession, Here's the Story

Beautiful Model Vika Chu Admits to Being a Skincare Addict Due to the Demands of Her Profession, Here's the Story Personal Doc - Being a model is certainly not an easy thing because appearance is the most important thing in pursuing this profession. That's what beautiful model Vika Chu feels, which makes her always have to take care of herself.

Even because of her profession, Vika Chu became a skincare addict to get the right treatment for her skin. However, her obsession actually brought good things for Vika Chu.

1. Building a Beauty Business

Where Vika finally managed to build a beauty business with a product called Emilia Whitening. Certainly, Vika Chu did not just create her own skincare product, so the woman whose real name is Suci Wulandari shared her journey in starting her business.

"At first, because I was a skincare addict and had tried many products and was curious about good ingredients," said Vika Chu to the media when contacted on Friday (9/6).

"From there, I dared to observe and find a doctor partner who understood to find the right formula for the skincare that I wanted to make," she continued.

2. Tough Competition

Vika also admitted that the competition in the beauty industry is quite tough. Nevertheless, she did not lose hope, especially since her skincare product received a good response from the public.

"Initially, it was quite difficult considering the competition in the skincare business nowadays is very high, but with the good response from my customers, it gave me motivation," she said.

3. Experience the Results

In addition, Vika admitted that she has already felt the results of the business she is currently pursuing, albeit a little. Vika Chu plans to continue developing her business by adopting higher quality materials.

"There will be a lot of improvements in the future, because the beauty industry is constantly evolving and hopefully my skincare products can be known and beneficial to the community," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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