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Becoming a Stepfather, Here are 7 Pictures of Ikram Rosadi's Closeness with Larissa Chou's Child

Becoming a Stepfather, Here are 7 Pictures of Ikram Rosadi's Closeness with Larissa Chou's Child Pictures of Ikram Rosadi's Closeness with Larissa Chou's Child (Credit: Instagram/larissachou) - Good news comes from Larissa Chou and Ikram Rosadi. They just had their wedding ceremony on September 3, 2023. Therefore, Ikram Rosadi is now officially a stepfather to Yusuf, Larissa Chou's only child.

Yusuf is the child from Larissa Chou's previous marriage with Alvin Faiz. Their marriage ended in 2021. The series of pictures showing Ikram Rosadi's closeness with Larissa Chou's child has caught the public's attention.

Curious about the closeness between Ikram Rosadi and Yusuf, Larissa Chou's child? Let's find out more information below.


1. Portrait of Ikram Rosadi's Closeness with Larissa Chou's Child

After divorcing Alvin Faiz, Larissa Chou is now officially married to a man named Ikram Rosadi. Previously, this man who works as a real estate entrepreneur has attracted public attention through various posts on Instagram. Including the portrait of Ikram Rosadi's closeness with Larissa Chou's child named Yusuf.


2. Walking Together

Yusuf is Larissa Chou's only child from her marriage with Alvin Faiz. The six-year-old child is seen to be close to Ikram Rosadi. They even went for a walk together wearing matching outfits, KLovers!


3. Looks Really Lovely

A few days before getting married, Larissa Chou posted an Instagram post with a touching caption. She asked her son's permission to bring someone new into her life. Larissa Chou also mentioned that the presence of Ikram Rosadi would add love and affection for Yusuf.

"My child, mommy asks for permission to bring someone, okay? He won't take away the love and affection that was full for you, but instead, he will add. Is it okay?" Caption by Larissa Chou.


4. Yusuf Asks for a Toy to Be Bought

The moments of togetherness between Ikram Rosadi and Larissa Chou's child have actually been seen for quite a while. Previously, the 27-year-old woman shared a photo of her child approaching Ikram Rosadi to ask for a toy to be bought.

"Yusuf is insisting on asking for toy cars to be bought on Shopee," Larissa Chou wrote.


5. Now Officially a Stepfather

Larissa Chou and Ikram Rosadi officially got married on September 3, 2023. Through the shared photo, it can be seen that they held a private wedding ceremony attended by family and close friends. Automatically, Ikram Rosadi is now officially a stepfather to Yusuf.

"I have chosen a shoulder to lean on. Strengthen your shoulder because I am not alone," wrote Larissa Chou in a photo with her husband and child.


6. The Call Changes to 'Daddy'

Furthermore, Larissa Chou also shared information about her child's call to Ikram Rosadi. Until now, Yusuf has known Ikram Rosadi as 'Uncle Good'. Now, that call has officially changed to 'Daddy'.

"Welcome to our life. Now the call 'Uncle Good' has changed to 'Daddy'," captioned Larissa Chou.


7. Netizens Flood with Sympathy

The series of love journeys of Larissa Chou and Ikram Rosadi has successfully attracted public attention. Moreover, Ikram Rosadi is seen to love his stepchild so much. No wonder their family is flooded with sympathy from netizens.

Well, KLovers, those are the series of portraits of Ikram Rosadi's closeness with Larissa Chou's child, who is now officially a stepfather.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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