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Before Departing, Older Brother Reveals Chef Haryo Had Gone Riding and Made a Song 'Meeting the Light'

Before Departing, Older Brother Reveals Chef Haryo Had Gone Riding and Made a Song 'Meeting the Light' Chef Haryo had gone riding and made a song © Herdianto - Chef Haryo passed away on Thursday (21/12/2023). His older brother, Hendro Pramoe, said that before his passing, his younger brother had gone on a motorcycle ride from Cibubur to Cinere.

"He (Chef Haryo) talked to me the day before, he laughed and said he was still riding together from Cibubur to Cinere. Last night, we were also discussing what he wanted to make," said Hendro Pramoe at the funeral home in Cibubur Country area, West Java, on Thursday (21/12/2023).

1. Song Release

"Suddenly, when I left in the morning, I said, 'hah, I feel cold all over my body.' It was already hot, so I didn't suspect that it was his heart because it feels different when it's the heart. If he doesn't vomit and how his digestion is, he can't breathe at all," added Hendro Pramoe.

Until now, Chef Haryo has been carrying out his activities as usual. In fact, according to Hendro Pramoe, Chef Haryo has also released a song titled 'Bertemu Cahaya' ('Meeting the Light').

"Haryo was writing that song about his faith, it was his latest project," he said.

2. Undergoing Heart Surgery

Hendro Pramoe explained that the song 'Bertemu Cahaya' written by his younger brother tells the story of Chef Haryo's journey during his heart surgery.

"It tells the story of his journey from the operation until now, the lyrics return to the light of God. The late Chef Haryo had been carrying out his activities as usual, including studying," he concluded.

Chef Haryo passed away at the age of 48. The plan is to bury Chef Haryo's body tomorrow, Friday (22/12/2023) at Taman Pemakaman Umum (TPU) Cipenjo, Cileungsi, West Java.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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