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Before Reporting Hotman Paris, Farhat Abbas Has Long Been Indirectly Mocking Through Socmed

Before Reporting Hotman Paris, Farhat Abbas Has Long Been Indirectly Mocking Through Socmed

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Before Reporting Hotman Paris, Farhat Abbas Has Long Been Indirectly Mocking Through Socmed

Recently, Farhat Abbas reported Hotman Paris Hutapea for allegedly spreading pornographic videos through social media. But, did you know that Farhat has actually been posting various remarks about Hotman on his Instagram account? Well, the following photos can be the real evidence.


All this time, Hotman Paris Hutapea has been known as a diamond collector. Feeling more brilliant, Farhat Abbas wrote, "A character like a diamond that is able to scratch all other stones."


Calling himself handsome, while Hotman is a wealthy man, through this post Farhat wrote the caption, "Who doesn't like to hang out with a wealthy man? Why be ashamed of living simply? What's embarrassing is living rich but forcing it."


Still related to being wealthy and rich, through this post Farhat conveyed, "Live with humans like a fruitful tree, they throw stones at it, but it responds with fruits."


I don't know what Farhat meant by uploading this photo, instead he has a quote that says, "Life is like a piano. It has black and white keys. But when it is played by the power of God, everything becomes beautiful."


"In the world of girls, besides children, what makes them amazed to the point of idolatry is diamonds and bamboo cannons," reads the caption written by Farhat for this photo. So, what does it have to do with Hotman vs Hotmania?


With the nickname 'Bas' as his capital, Farhat refers to Hotman as his boss. He also added, "Bermedsos is the activity of planting diamonds in the hearts of netizens, (not hatred and animosity)."


Aware that he was once the husband of an artist, Farhat wrote a quote that says, "During a flood, the fish eat the ants and when the flood recedes, the ants eat the fish (everyone has their turn or time). Don't be arrogant."


This post is starting to become difficult to understand. Farhat is becoming a butterfly, while he refers to Hotman as coffees. What do you think?


Through this post, it seems like Farhat wants to be friends with Hotman again. It is clearly seen in the caption that he wrote, "Old friends are gold. New friends are diamonds! If you have a diamond, don't forget about gold! Because to turn a diamond into a ring, you always need a gold base."