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Being a Hot Daddy! These are 9 Portraits of Nicky Tirta Taking Care of His Child, Making a Special Birthday Cake for His Little Daughter

Being a Hot Daddy! These are 9 Portraits of Nicky Tirta Taking Care of His Child, Making a Special Birthday Cake for His Little Daughter Nicky Tirta and child (credit: instagram/nickytirta) - Nicky Tirta is one example of a hot daddy among Indonesian celebrities. Even though he already has one child, Nicky, who has a youthful face and appearance, is liked by many women. Not only talented in acting, Nicky is also known as a celebrity chef who is skilled in cooking. His ability further solidifies Nicky's hot daddy status.

The portraits of Nicky Tirta and his beloved daughter, Naara Ellyna Tirta, often become the center of attention. It's because Nicky, who is a single parent, appears to be very diligent in taking care of his little daughter. It's no wonder that many refer to him as a hot daddy.

What are the portraits of Nicky Tirta like when he takes care of his child? Here are some of them gathered directly from his personal Instagram account, @nickytirta.


1. Celebrate Birthday Party

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 could be one of the happiest days for Nicky Tirta. Today is his daughter Naara's 7th birthday. Nicky celebrated the birthday party together with his daughter. A special cake decorated with pony characters was made specifically by Nicky for his beloved little daughter. Nicky and Nara seemed so happy to celebrate this important moment together.

2. Bathing the Child

After divorcing his ex-wife, Liza Elly, Nicky Tirta was granted custody of his daughter. Nicky seemed to not waste the trust he received to take care of his precious child. Nicky often shares moments of himself taking care of Naara very diligently. For example, like when Nicky bathes Naara. Nicky seems to enjoy his role as a father who always pays attention to the growth and development of his child.

3. Inviting Culinary

Besides being known as an actor, Nicky Tirta is also known as a celebrity chef. Nicky's love for culinary needs no doubt. Besides enjoying cooking, this Jakarta-born man on April 27, 1983 also enjoys culinary tourism. On various occasions, Nicky also seems to invite Naara to join him in tasting delicious food in various regions.

4. Traveling Abroad

Not only enjoying culinary tourism, this father and daughter duo are also often seen together during vacations abroad. In this moment, Nicky is seen patiently pushing the stroller where his child sits. Truly a type of father who cares for and loves his child with affection and attention.

5. Invite Children to Play

Raising a daughter alone is certainly not an easy matter, especially for a man. However, Nicky Tirta seems to have no difficulty in taking care of his little daughter. In fact, Nicky seems to know all of his daughter's wishes to spend time together. Therefore, Nicky always takes the time to play together.

Nicky looks so resigned when Naara puts makeup on him, making his face look funny. This moment makes the relationship between father and daughter seem so warm and exciting.

6. Watch a Movie

Not only spending time together at home, occasionally Nicky Tirta also takes Naara for a walk outside. Watching movies is one of the activities chosen by Nicky and Naara to do together. While waiting for the movie to start, Nicky and Naara wait in the hallway in front of the studio. With love, Nicky holds his precious child. Nicky's youthful appearance often makes people mistakenly think they are siblings.

7. Fill Leisure Time with Playing Games

In addition to watching movies, Nicky and Naara also take the time to play games together. Yes, Nicky seems to truly dedicate his free time to his child, so he seems to fulfill all of Naara's wishes at that time. Moments like this will certainly strengthen the bond between father and child. Besides that, these moments will surely be missed by Naara when she grows up.

8. School Drop-off

Being a single parent, Nicky Tirta takes on various tasks related to taking care of his child alone. Dropping off the child at school is one of Nicky Tirta's routine activities before the pandemic. When her father drops her off at school, Naara looks very happy and cheerful. Holding hands with her father also boosts Naara's spirit while at school.

9. Baking Together

Nicky Tirta seems to have also introduced Naara to the culinary world that he has been pursuing lately. Besides taking Naara on culinary trips, Nicky also often invites Naara to cook together. Nicky once captured the moment when his little daughter successfully made her first rainbow cake. Not only Naara, but Nicky also looks very happy and proud.

Those are some of the portraits of Nicky Tirta while taking care of his child. So, do you agree that Nicky Tirta deserves to be called a hot daddy?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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