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Being a Tough Woman, This is Sheila Marcia's Struggle in Overcoming Her First Pregnancy Behind Bars - Having 3 Children Before the Age of 30

Being a Tough Woman, This is Sheila Marcia's Struggle in Overcoming Her First Pregnancy Behind Bars - Having 3 Children Before the Age of 30 Sheila Marcia (credit: Apriyanto/) - Rarely appearing on screen, now the beautiful actress Sheila Marcia is seen focusing on her small family with Dimas Akira. Especially in 2020, Sheila Marcia was just blessed with her fourth child.

Sheila Marcia is known as a popular celebrity who starred in several films and soap operas. Starting her career in the entertainment world in the GADIS Sampul event in 2004, brought Sheila Marcia's name even more famous. Sheila Marcia's career journey didn't always go smoothly

Because in 2008, she stumbled upon a drug abuse case which then vacated her career as an artist for some time. Despite that, now Sheila Marcia seems to enjoy her role as a housewife.

Her family life is even known to be very harmonious. In addition, Sheila Marcia is also known as a tough woman with all her struggles as a mother. What is the portrait of Sheila who became a mother in her 20s? Let's check it out here, klovers.




1. Skipping the First Pregnancy Behind Bars

In the midst of her rising career, Sheila Marcia faced a number of complicated life controversies. Because in 2008, Sheila Marcia underwent a sentence after stumbling upon a drug abuse case. Not only that, Sheila Marcia also completed her imprisonment while still in an early pregnancy condition. This beautiful artist born in 1989 passed her pregnancy behind bars and was released when her pregnancy was 8 months old.




2. Giving Birth to the First Child in Her 20s

In 2010, Sheila Marcia gave birth to her first child named Leticia Charlotte Agraciana Joseph. Sheila passed this special moment only with her mother because at that time Sheila's status did not have a husband yet. Meanwhile, the biological father of Sheila's first child is known to be singer Anji. Sheila Marcia became a mother to her first child by giving birth normally at the age of 21.




3. Taking Care of Her Children Without a Babysitter

After being released, Sheila Marcia resumed her delayed career. She even claimed to take care of her children without a babysitter. This was revealed through her heartfelt confession on social media which was widely discussed.

"I have piercings and tattoos: but I gave birth to my child normally without the help of a babysitter. I have piercings and tattoos: but I take care of my child myself until now," she wrote in the caption of @itssheilamj.




4. Not Yet 30 Years Old and Already Has 3 Children

Having been a single mother for a while, Sheila Marcia found love with musician Kiki Mirano. They officially got married in 2011. From that marriage, Sheila Marcia was blessed with two children named Jedd Melchior Mirano and Precious Brianna Yael Mirano. The artist, whose real name is Sheila Marcia Joseph, became a young mother of three children at the age of under 30 years old.




5. Struggling for Children's Happiness

Sheila Marcia's love journey was not as smooth as imagined. Her marriage to Kiki Mirano ended in 2015 after 5 years of marriage. Even the news of Sheila Marcia's divorce was publicized after it was known that she had experienced domestic violence. After officially separating, Sheila Marcia started her new life in Bali. She had to struggle to support her three children alone. This included starting a career in the business world by opening a tattoo, piercing, and embroidery business.

"I do piercing and tattooing, but I earn a living for my children and husband. I do piercing and tattooing, but I always respect a marriage until something happens and it is difficult to forgive. I do piercing and tattooing, but I work hard for the welfare of my children. Whether it's selling food or just eating rice and sambal, the important thing is that my children have good food, diapers, and milk," she wrote in the caption @itssheilamj.




6. Prioritizing Children in Any Situation

The dark past that Sheila Marcia had faced slowly transformed her life for the better. She focused on her three children. Even Sheila admitted to considering various shooting offers because she did not want to miss moments with her children.

"Whether it's selling food or just eating rice and sambal, the important thing is that my children have good food, diapers, and milk. I do piercing and tattooing, but every time there is a SHOOTING offer, I think 100000000000x because I don't want to miss my children growing up!," she continued.




7. Now a Mother of 4 Children

Despite her past life, Sheila Marcia now appears very happy with her new small family. Because in 2020, Sheila officially married Dimas Akira. This artist, born on September 3, 1989, has just been blessed with her fourth child named Elijah Jerome Zev Emmanuel. Several happy moments of Sheila Marcia's small family are often shared via her personal Instagram account.

Those are some portraits of Sheila Marcia as a mother in her twenties. What do you think, KLovers?





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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