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Betrand Peto Comes Home Late, Sarwendah Worries Until Falling Asleep on the Sofa

Betrand Peto Comes Home Late, Sarwendah Worries Until Falling Asleep on the Sofa Sarwendah and Betrand Peto © Herdianto - Betrand Peto is already considered as Sarwendah's own child. Sarwendah always gives her attention to her stepson without hesitation.

Yes, just like Sarwendah who worries and falls asleep on the sofa waiting for Betrand who comes home late until late at night. Sarwendah's concern was known through a photo posted on Ruben Onsu's Instagram.

1. Posting Photo of Sarwendah Sleeping

Ruben himself posted a photo of Sarwendah sleeping on the sofa wearing a nightgown. Ruben also wrote a quite long caption stating that Sarwendah looked restless waiting for Betrand to come home late.

"Last night, his mother was restless because her eldest son hadn't come home yet", wrote the message on Ruben Onsu's Instagram post.

2. Ruben Sudah Beri Tahu

Furthermore, Ruben has already informed Sarwendah that Betrand, who came home late until late at night, had someone taking care of him.

"I've already told you that someone is taking care of him and he'll be home soon, but his arrival time is delayed from what was promised, so his mother wanted to wait there, play with her phone, and fell asleep," said the caption.

3. Wife Seen Sleeping

In his post, Ruben was looking for Sarwendah. However, his wife was seen sleeping because she was restless waiting for Betrand to come home late at night.

"In the photo, I was looking for my wife and I found her lying down, waiting for her youngest son to come home," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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