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Bigger, Azka Corbuzier's Height Has Surpassed Kalina Ocktaranny

Bigger, Azka Corbuzier's Height Has Surpassed Kalina Ocktaranny Kalina - Azka Corbuzier © Instagram/kalinaocktaranny - Recently, Kalina Ocktaranny spent time with her son. As is known, her son, Azka Corbuzier, is growing up. He often shows off his muscles because he exercises regularly.

In her latest post, Kalina admits to being amazed by Azka's growth. Her son is now taller than her. Curious about what it looks like?

1. Portrait of Kalina and Azka

In the photo, Kalina can be seen standing next to Azka. At that time, they were wearing casual clothes because they were at home.

The pose of Deddy Corbuzier's ex-wife's hand caught attention. Apparently, the style seemed to be comparing their heights with their child.

2. Expression of the Mother

The mother also admitted to being amazed by her child's growth. Now, Kalina said that Azka is taller than her.

"We just met 2 weeks ago. But the height difference is already very far, Chaaaa... Seriously.. @azkacorbuzier," wrote Kalina.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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