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Boiyen's Sister Dies After Being Hit by a Train, Here's the Chronology

Boiyen's Sister Dies After Being Hit by a Train, Here's the Chronology Boiyen's sister dies (credit: instagram/boiyenpesek) - Sad news comes from comedian Boiyen who has just lost her sister, Dudung. Through her personal Instagram stories @boiyenpesek, she expressed her sadness of losing her beloved sister.

"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun Aa Dudung. Aa Dudung left us so quickly, Allah, may he have a good ending, may all his sins be forgiven and given the most beautiful place, Amen," Boiyen wrote.


1. Hit by a Train

Manager Boiyen, Agung explained that Dudung died after being hit by a train.

"Last night, there was an accident at the Kalideres train door, around 20:00, he was hit by a train at the railroad crossing," said Agung when contacted on Thursday (4/3).


2. Accident Chronology

Agung also recounted the chronology of the accident experienced by Boiyen's brother. It is suspected that his brother was hit by a train while riding a motorcycle and wearing a headset.

"Returning from work on a motorcycle from the green lake area, he was hit at the railroad crossing. The news about the incident is confusing, some say he was hit by a train from two directions. Some also say he was hit because he didn't hear the train coming because Boiyen's brother was wearing a headset (according to the information)," he concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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