Both Fairuz A Rafiq and Barbie Kumalasari have been wives of Galih Ginanjar, but they have now separated from Galih. What do their housing portraits look like?
If you're curious, let's find out more here.
Both Fairuz A Rafiq and Barbie Kumalasari have been wives of Galih Ginanjar, but they have now separated from Galih. What do their housing portraits look like?
If you're curious, let's find out more here.
This is a portrait of Fairuz's house, which looks luxurious and elegant from its interior.
The concept of this house interior is open space, where the living room and kitchen are combined without being separated by partitions.
Every corner of Fairuz's house can be said to be very aesthetic with furniture that supports the overall theme of the room.
This is a portrait of Fairuz's bedroom and her husband, Sonny Septian, which looks so spacious and comfortable.
The kitchen part looks classy with marble motifs covering the entire kitchen set.
This is a portrait of Barbie Kumalasari's house. The front part of the house is covered with a high black fence.
Barbie mentioned that this house is one of the many houses she owns. This is a portrait of the terrace area of the house.
This is a picture of Barbie Kumalasari's bedroom, which is painted in bright pink, matching the bed cover and curtains.
There is a special spot in Barbie's room used to place her luxury bags.
A picture of the interior part of Barbie Kumalasari's house that uses eye-catching colors, combined with a sofa in clashing colors and patterns.
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