Who doesn't know the figures Denny Sumargo & Deddy Corbuzier? They are both public figures and Youtubers with video views reaching millions of views.
So, what do their houses look like? If you're curious, let's find out more here.
Who doesn't know the figures Denny Sumargo & Deddy Corbuzier? They are both public figures and Youtubers with video views reaching millions of views.
So, what do their houses look like? If you're curious, let's find out more here.
Here is Denny Sukargo's house filled with a collection of expensive betta fish. It turns out that Densu often holds betta fish auctions and donates the proceeds.
It turns out that Densi's house also has a special saltwater aquarium, which is made at a fantastic price, reaching 100 million rupiah!
This spot is not unfamiliar. Here is the back page used as a podcast studio for his Youtube channel.
Denny Sumargo's house is still in the same area as his boarding house.
His house is also equipped with a personal basketball court. Yes, Densu used to have a career as a basketball player before becoming a public figure and Youtuber.
Switching to Deddy Corbuzier's house, this is a picture of the front of the house where the garage is filled with his car collection.
How cool is this, Deddy Corbuzier also has his own gym room in his house.
There is a corner of the room that contains lenses and cameras as well as silver and gold Play Buttons from Youtube.
This is a portrait of Deddy's workspace, where there are many supporting equipment to create YouTube content.
A portrait of a house interior with a touch of classic European style.
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