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Caisar YKS Denies Doing Non-Stop Live on Tik Tok

Caisar YKS Denies Doing Non-Stop Live on Tik Tok Caisar YKS denies doing non-stop Tik Tok (credit: Kapanlagi/Irfan Kafril) - The social media world is being stirred up by Caisar Putra Aditya alias Caisar YKS. The former husband of Indadari is accused by netizens of using illegal narcotics.

This is because during a live session, Caisar turned his face away from the camera, and appeared to be inhaling something suspected to be a narcotic. Not only that, netizens also claimed that Caisar was doing non-stop Tik Tok live.

1. There is a Three-Hour Break Time

However, when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Monday (5/9), the man who is familiarly called DJ Penyok on his Tik Tok account denied it. Caisar explained that he always had a three-hour break time from his live activities.

"I want to clarify as Caisar that many people outside say 24 hours, 24 hours. I start live at 8:30 in the morning until nine, then take a break to eat and shower, then go live at one o'clock, and finish at 3:30 because of the Asr prayer," said Caisar.

"After that, I rest from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. That's all the break time I have. There is a three-hour break time," he continued.

2. Positive Thing

In addition, Caisar explained that what he does on his personal Tik Tok account is a positive thing. Therefore, Caisar admitted to being confused by the netizens' accusations.

"No, actually the netizens are confused because there is an account that appears in the news. But this account is about positive thinking. It's good that we can color the TikTok world here," he said.

3. Deny

Caisar again denied being accused of doing non-stop Tik Tok live for three consecutive days.

"It's a lie. It's just when I was bored at home, I went live and said, 'Thank you, always be healthy,' like a good person," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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