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Caught Using 3kg LPG While Cooking Even Though She is Rich, Prilly Latuconsina Apologizes

Caught Using 3kg LPG While Cooking Even Though She is Rich, Prilly Latuconsina Apologizes Prilly Latuconsina apologizes for using 3-kilogram LPG gas © - Prilly Latuconsina has become a hot topic of discussion in the Indonesian public. It all started from Prilly's post showing her cooking for Eid in a very large portion. Unfortunately, in the video, netizens noticed a green 3-kilogram LPG gas canister.

Upon knowing this, netizens immediately criticized the actress who played BUDI PEKERTI. They mentioned that Prilly should not be using that gas, as the green gas canister is only for the poor, while Prilly is very wealthy.

1. Apologize

Amidst the controversy surrounding the 3-kilogram LPG gas, Prilly finally made a clarification. Through her personal Instagram, Prilly finally apologized for her mistake.

"Honestly, I didn't realize it at first until you all reminded me. Yesterday, I immediately asked my family and it turns out that the gas cylinder was actually borrowed from my regular gas supplier because the usual gas stock I buy ran out," said Prilly Latuconsina quoted from her Instagram, Wednesday (10/4/2024).

2. No Intention to Hide

Prilly was also accused of hiding the gas behind a box or bag so that it would not be seen by the public. Here, Prilly explained that she had no knowledge of that at all.

"There was no intention to hide or anything because it was indeed behind the shopping bag. I didn't even notice. When my regular gas supplier came and brought the gas that I often order, I immediately replaced it and returned the gas," said the 27-year-old woman.

3. Thank You for the Reminder

In addition to apologizing, Prilly also thanked many people who have reminded her about this matter. In the future, Prilly will continue to use the gas she has been using all this time.

"I am very aware that gas is not intended for everyone, thank you very much to those who have reminded me," she said.

"Next time, if the gas I usually use runs out and someone wants to borrow it, I have already said that it is better to be patient and wait for the gas that we usually use," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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