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Celebrate 12 Years of Marriage, Here are a Series of Harmonious Photos of Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu

Celebrate 12 Years of Marriage, Here are a Series of Harmonious Photos of Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu Surya Saputra, Chyntia Lamusu and Child (credit: instagram/cynthia_lamusu/suryasaputra507) - June is the happiest time for Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu. Because in this month, precisely on June 8th, this celebrity couple celebrates their wedding anniversary. This year marks 12 years since Surya and Cynthia established their household.

During these 12 years, the household of Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu always appears harmonious. Especially with the presence of a pair of twin children named Tatjana and Bima, Surya and Cynthia's household becomes more complete and happy.

Being one of the loving and exemplary celebrity families, here are harmonious photos of the Surya Saputra and Cythia Lamusu family, gathered from their instagram accounts.


1. Simple but Solemn Celebration

Reaching 12 years of marriage is certainly not a short time. Therefore, Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu have their own way of commemorating it. On that historic day, this small family gathered with a tumpeng, a symbol of celebration. Although it may seem very simple, the expressions of happiness and gratitude cannot be hidden from their faces.

2. Sharing a Happy Story

The 12th wedding anniversary of Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu was not only symbolically celebrated by gathering with family and having a tumpeng. On June 8, 2020, Cynthia posted a video containing the story of their love journey with Surya. The video post received many positive comments with congratulations and good wishes for their family.

3. The Result of Matchmaking Friends

In addition to posting romantic videos, Surya Saputra and Cynthia also share their love story through old wedding photos. Cynthia also reveals the story that there is a role of friends in her relationship with Surya Saputra.

Yes, it turns out that Surya and Cynthia's love story began with a matchmaking by their friends, one of them being Riafinola Ifani Sari or Nola B3. A matchmaking that ended sweetly with the formation of a harmonious family.

4. Happier with the Presence of Their Baby

Cynthia Lamusu and Surya Saputra waited long enough to become parents. On November 20, 2016, Cynthia Lamusu finally gave birth to a pair of twins named Bima and Tatjana. The presence of these twin babies seems to complete the happiness between Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu. 

5. Raising Children with Love

Currently, in addition to pursuing a career in the entertainment world, Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu are also busy raising their two children. Tatjana and Bima, like other twin children, are similar and equally cute. On their Instagram accounts, both Surya and Cynthia often share the development of their two children.

One of the photos shared by Surya shows him hugging Bima while lying down. It is clear that Surya is enjoying his precious moments with Bima, and vice versa. It is evident that Surya and Cynthia are raising their children with love.

6. Having a Bedtime Ritual

This harmonious family apparently has a special bedtime ritual. Through an Instagram post, Cynthia Lamusu shared about this special ritual. So, just like most families, before going to bed, Surya Saputra, Cynthia, and their two children pray. What makes it unique is that this family has a different way of praying.

Cynthia created a special song with simple lyrics that contains a bedtime prayer. A video posted by Cynthia shows the voices of Bima and Tatjana singing the prayer song guided by their parents. It is adorable yet solemn.

7. Celebrating Birthday Together

Cynthia Lamusu's birthday moment a few months ago was also not exempt from a special celebration. With a birthday cake decorated with candles and a tumpeng, Cynthia Lamusu and Surya Saputra's family gathered. A video shows this family singing the Happy Birthday song together. The atmosphere of happiness truly enveloped this family during the birthday celebration at that time.

8. Always Appear Compact

Having a pair of twins makes it easy for this family to match their clothes. Like during last year's Eid moment. This family wore matching tosca-colored outfits. Little Tatjana wore the same outfit as her mother, while Bima wore a koko shirt and jeans like his father.

9. Mutual Love

Spending days together for 12 long years certainly makes this family members love each other. So it's only natural that both Surya Saputra and Chyntia often share intimate and harmonious family portraits on their respective Instagram accounts.

Like in this photo, Surya and Cynthia tightly embrace Tatjana and Bima. Then, Cynthia plants a sweet kiss on her husband's cheek. Seeing this picture, everyone surely agrees that Surya Saputra and Cynthia are so loving, romantic, and harmonious.

Those are some harmonious portraits of the Surya Saputra and Cynthia Lamusu family. The romance and harmony of this celebrity family are truly worthy of being an example, don't you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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